Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Acton Collection

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Cambridge (UK), King's College Library, Stores Bury.I.BAR.Not.1587. Cambridge (UK), University Library, Acton.e.32.15  Acton Collection. 31 ago. 2012. di Cambridge University Library. Acton Documents Relating to the University and Colleges of Cambridge, Volume 2. 10 ott. The library Logo Cambridge Libraries Collections . Check holdings at University Library Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable) (Acton.d.51.316- ). Check holdings at University Library Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable) (Acton.d.48.43 ). Item is Acton Collection Guide to Faculty and Departmental Libraries in the University of Cambridge: With an appendix containing the Libraries of certain Institutes,  Cambridge (UK), St John's College Library, Upper Library P.5.19 Cambridge (UK), University Library, Acton.a.51.48 Oxford (UK), Christ Church Library, Special Collections Hyp.O.115  Milano : G. Daelli, 1861-91. Check holdings at University Library Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable Cambridge (UK), St John's College Library, Upper Library Gg.2.39(2) Cambridge (UK), University Library, Acton.d.50.657  The library Logo Cambridge Libraries Collections . Check holdings at University Library Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable) (Acton.d.7.267 ). Acton Collection. 31 ago. 2012. di Cambridge University Library. Acton Documents Relating to the University and Colleges of Cambridge, Volume 2. 10 ott.

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